Subconscious Mind


Understanding the Subconscious Mind 



               The subconscious mind is the part of you that has a permanent memory of every experience of your life,

               as perceived through all of your senses.  It also stores every perception or belief that has been created

               based on those experiences.  It is like the software of a computer.  Once the computer has been programmed,

               there are automatic responses based on what the programming has been.


               For instance, if you were bitten by a dog as a child, your subconscious mind has stored everything from

               that experience, including the images, sounds, smells, fears, physical responses-such as increased heartbeat, that

               you experienced in that situation.  You may have also developed a belief that all dogs are dangerous, or

               a feeling of being powerless, which was also stored.  So whenever you see/hear a dog, or are in a situation where 

               you feel powerless or threatened, your body will react in much the same manner it did initially—such as fear, 

               increased heartbeat, being frozen and unable to do anything.  It is the same with every experience of life.


               Even though we may not remember the experiences or circumstances that occured to create those beliefs or

               misperceptions, they still have a profound effect on our present responses and behavior. Unresolved

               issues in the past can and do affect our physical, mental, and emotional health in present time.  With this old  

               programming in the subconscious mind, it sets up negative responses such as self-sabotaging behaviors,

               compulsive or addictive behaviors, not being able to move forward, poor health, etc.  When bumping up

               against old programming in trying to make changes in your life it may feel like there is something constantly

               pulling you back into old behavior patterns or blocking you from the changes you desire to make, no matter

               how hard you try.


               Another way to understand this concept is by comparing it to an iceberg.  The 10% of an iceberg above the

               water line represents the conscious mind, and the 90% below the water line represents the subconscious

               mind, which holds the permanent memory of life's experiences.  It is easy to see that there is so much more

               there influencing our ability to move forward and make changes than what we are consciously aware of.

               Fortunately there is a way to reprogram the computer of the mind.  The way it is done is by releasing the

               negative emotions that accompanied the experience along with changing the old belief systems, misperceptions 

               and behavioral responses that were created. When the new programming replaces the old, changes can be immediate. 

               Although we cannot change the fact that these experiences happened, we do have the power to change our

               perceptions and beliefs about them which brings about healing and change. 



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